Emco Maximat Super 11
emco maximat super 11

emco maximat super 11emco maximat super 11

Just the steady rest alone was over 250 when new now they cost near 600.00 on ebay new. The body of the lever should be a pressfit over the original switch, but here also superglue can be used.A fully tooled up Super 11 would retail for somewhere near 8K or more. The two parts get connected by a piece of 8mm steel/aluminium rod and superglue. The original switch is relatively hard to grip/operate when doing precise, closequarter threading.

A large parallel with a strip of scrap polycarbonate as a sacrificial plate are held in the vice and held with two clamps to drill it.The x axis linear scale is mounted to a machined piece of angle iron and will hide under the stainless cover. If I need the full length of the t-slot to mount a fixture of some sort, I always can unscrew them and plug the oilhole with a setscrew.Here I am drilling and countersinking the stainless cover to be mounted to the cross slide. While I had it all apart, I also added some oil grooves and oil fittings.I went with the zerk-style fittings, that are usually associated with grease, but work perfectly fine for oil too – And they are easier to be kept clean than the flush mounted oilers.I mounted them in the t-slots so they are protected against impact. Here drilling and tapping them:The cross slide gets the matching hole pattern drilled/tapped. This is what I got:Two strips of cold rolled steel get drilled and screwed to the side of the compound.

That way it is almost impossible for chips or dust to get anywhere where it can do damage.That’s especially important when machining cast iron (or any other abrasive material – Hardturning is also a process that creates very harmful chips) or do polishing, grinding, etc.

emco maximat super 11